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Jonas Bros & Grace

Have you ever been somewhere where the lights were flashing, voices were at a high pitch, and joy was floating all around?

Yet, you were sitting for a moment in silence and reflecting?

That was me on Wednesday night.

My school hosted a private concert for our high school students with the Jonas Brothers!!

(I know, wild for a weeknight)

As the auditorium is going wild I was stunned to silence.

(I love a good concert so it definitely wasn't the wonderful boops of the brothers that had me stunned)

Let's rewind the clock a little bit shall we.

Back in August, 2019, when they announced that they were going back on tour.

(The world collectively freaked out, as they should have.)

My job gifted all the female staff and students tickets to their the concert held in Hershey, PA.

I was all set to go, had my cash for souvenirs, my snack path planned and everything.

The day before, I got a call from my doctor that my liver levels were out of control and I was going to be hospitalized.

What I thought would just be a day turned into a week of in-patient appointments and procedures.

It was the first time I had been hospitalized due to my liver and the first moment I missed out on experience due to my health.

Flash forward to present day:

I'm sitting in a room full of screaming teenagers having the moment of their life and I'm speechless.

Speechless at the grace of being able to experience what I missed out on before.

Speechless at my capacity to experience miracles in my own life.

Speechless at the LOVE of God towards me.

Speechless at the beauty of the thread of restoration.

Life has been hard the past 2 years friends.

And, I know we each have our own stories of pain, frustration, and obstacles to overcome.

But let me be the first to encourage and remind you:

You deserve the goodness of redeeming grace.

You deserve the beauty of restoration.

You deserve the gentle and subtle reminders of God's love.

You deserve to never give up on yourself


You have a Creator who is chasing you down to show you His unrelenting love for you!

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