On a weekly basis, I love to troll my parents, both in person and virtually!
Whether it be exposing the true dynamics of our conversations, posting flattering and/or unflattering photos of them on Instagram with dramatic captions, or having my mom complete an informal interview with Chic Fil A.
(News flash, that woman is not Chic Fil A caliber happy but stubborn enough to not acknowledge it! But fear not, her trusted tribune will encourage her that she is just the right balance to change Chic Fil A by storm...)
Last weeks adventurous outing was probably one of my favorites.
It involved my dad taking notes for my (non-existent) dating profile, went through the usual emotional journey of finding a place to eat that my mom would agree to, and being caught in a storm of torrential proportions.
Now, Harrisburg is a unique city, and I do mean unique in the way that most people use beautiful sounding words to make a bad situation sound glamourous.
We were driving home from lunch when it became obvious that we would not beat the storm and decided to pull over at the infamous deserted mall in Harrisburg-The East Mall.
Just as my dad turns off the car the skies open up and the rain begin to fall in dramatic fashion. It was raining so hard it was impossible to dodge the drops because they were determined to hit people with a stinging level of precision.
As I begin walking through the garage to the mall, I felt a ping in my leg, and then in my arm. My curly bangs go limp, and as I look around I realize I am somehow still getting wet.
I put my head down and try to barrel through the droplets that are managing to get to me when the Holy Spirit gently said:
"Protection doesn't mean you don't feel the sting of danger, it means you don't succumb to the danger attempting to reach you!"
My heart was pierced in that moment, in the most beautiful way!
I will be the first to admit that I have probably complained WAY more than I should at the circumstances of my life over the past year and a half.
There have been moments where I have thrown myself on the floor surrounded by Oreos (which are apparently chocolate..), several slices of pizza, my favorite pillow, and tissues in abundance.
Seeking comfort in endless hours of reality tv, Netflix movies, and listening to Adele on repeat.
But, that gentle reminder from the Holy Spirit, provide comfort and clarity for my continued rebirth.
Over the past week I have reflected on the journey I have been on and realized that the protection that I couldn't see at the time was always there.
Protecting me from becoming bitter and filled with hatred.
Protecting me from becoming calloused and hardened.
Protecting me from losing hope in the goodness of humanity.
Protecting me from the walls of isolation and despair that I so desperately wanted to build.
Protecting me from being mundane and stoic.
Protecting me from refusing to show up for not only myself but also others.
Although those ridiculously precise moments of pain hurt in unimaginable ways, I've walked away from the rubble more intact that ever!
Because as Westra said:
"A new lease on life will give you a bop that will make all of the pain worth it. Not only for you but also for everyone who walked the journey with you!"
As the fine print of my new life is still being written what has been included so far is:
More laughter!
More love!
True freedom!
Authentic relationships!
Emerging passion!
New dreams!
Fresh hopes!
Higher standards!
Clearer purpose!
And, of course all the colors at all of the times!
As life hits us all at different landing points, I hope that the new lease on life you are working on, re-creating, or writing for the first time, allows you to see the protection provided even in the midst of the pain.

Love: "I put my head down and try to barrel through the droplets that are managing to get to me when the Holy Spirit gently said:
"Protection doesn't mean you don't feel the sting of danger, it means you don't succumb to the danger attempting to reach you!"'
This is so true! I need constant reminders of this. I am so thankful that God is there ready to hold and comfort us during the storms of life, as a father cradles his child in his arms. Thank you for sharing your journey with such eloquence and beauty.